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3 Warning Signs That You Need an AC Repair

While the nighttime temperatures are cool enough for an open window, the daytime highs in Cleburne, Texas, are making some homeowners turn their air conditioners on already. If you haven’t done so, you should schedule HVAC maintenance before the summer. And if you notice any of these three warning signs, you likely need an AC repair:

AC System Isn’t Blowing Cool Air

If your air conditioning system is on but your home isn’t feeling cooler, something isn’t working right. Before contacting an HVAC contractor, make sure your thermostat is set correctly. Next, confirm that the air coming out of the supply vents isn’t cool. If your AC system isn’t blowing cool air, it might mean that its compressor requires a repair.

There’s Water Around Your AC System

Finding puddles around either unit of your air conditioning system is never a good sign. There are usually two possible reasons for a leaking air conditioner. The first is a refrigerant leak, which can negatively impact you and your family’s health. The second is a broken or blocked condensate drain line, which isn’t as serious but can still damage property.

AC System is Making Strange Sounds

It’s normal for your AC system to make some sounds when it turns on and off, especially if it’s an older model. But if you’re hearing loud squealing or grinding sounds, there’s something seriously wrong. Failing to perform an AC repair immediately can further damage the system and eventually require you to replace it entirely.

  • Squealing usually means that a belt has slipped out of place.
  • Squealing can also mean that a metal component needs more lubricant.
  • Grinding usually means that the motor’s bearings have worn down.

If you require an AC repair, you might also notice poor airflow, bad odors or thermostat problems. To repair your air conditioner right away, contact Airmasters AC, Heat, Plumbing & Electrical at 817-506-4862.

Image provided by iStock

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