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It’s Not Too Late to Schedule Spring AC Maintenance

Summer is right around the corner, and time is running out to schedule spring air conditioner maintenance. You want to make sure you survive the summer without worrying about your AC system breaking down. Below are five benefits spring AC maintenance provides to homeowners in Dallas, TX.

Improves Indoor Air Quality

Your indoor air quality affects your health and your home. Dirty air filters allow pollen, dust and other allergens to circulate in the air supply. Changing or cleaning your air filters helps your home, your health and your HVAC system.

Increases Energy Efficiency

Regular AC maintenance helps your system run more efficiently. When your system doesn’t have to work as hard to keep you comfortable, it uses less energy. In turn, this reduces your cooling costs and the strain the system suffers.

Prevents Future Problems

The last thing you want is for your air conditioner to quit on you during the hottest time of the year and not have a service technician help because they’re busy with similar calls. Regular maintenance includes small repairs, which helps you avoid larger repairs or replacements later on.

Prolonged HVAC Lifespan

Without routine maintenance, your HVAC system experiences increased wear and tear and stress that leads to premature failure. The average HVAC lifespan is 10 to 15 years, but lack of maintenance reduces that by half.

Validates Warranty

Your warranty protects your system in the event of a malfunction or breakdown because of a manufacturer’s fault. However, you need to protect your warranty since it requires proof that you’ve had a professional maintain or repair your system each year. Professional AC maintenance does that.

Don’t accidentally void your warranty by not taking care of your HVAC system. Instead, contact Airmasters AC, Heat, Plumbing & Electrical today to schedule an appointment for the AC maintenance your climate control system needs.

Image provided by iStock

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