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3 Most Common Commercial HVAC Issues

Commercial HVAC care is crucial so you can maintain a comfortable space for employees and customers. It’ll also help you keep your utility bills low. Watch for these common issues with commercial heating and cooling systems in the Cleburne, Texas, area:

Clogged Filters

HVAC filters require changing at least once every three months. But many business owners overlook this maintenance task because of their other responsibilities. Changing air filters at home is typically something that you can do on your own, but system placement makes this task more difficult in commercial buildings. The filter may be in the upper reaches of a large warehouse space or up on the roof of the building. If you’re not sure how to change the HVAC filter in your commercial space, consult with one of our service technicians at your next tune-up.

Damaged Ductwork

Over time, ductwork can suffer a significant amount of damage from wear and tear. The ducts may have clogs, corrosion, unbalanced dampers and air leaks. This will lead to a number of problems, including:

If you suspect problems with your ducts, consult with our service technicians for a professional assessment of the issue.

Improper Sizing

If you didn’t have a hand in the initial HVAC installation in your commercial space, there’s a chance that the system is too large or too small for the building. Some construction companies use smaller systems to cut costs, while unknowing building managers may purchase oversized systems thinking that bigger is better for customer comfort. Neither is true. Both oversized and undersized systems create problems with comfort and efficiency. As a result, they can impact your bottom line.

If your commercial HVAC system isn’t operating at peak efficiency, we can help. Call Airmasters AC, Heat, Plumbing & Electrical at 817-506-4862 for all your heating and cooling needs. We’ll make sure your commercial space is as comfortable and efficient as possible.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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