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3 Common Indoor Air Quality Concerns for Homeowners in Burleson, TX

The most high-tech, energy-efficient air conditioner in the world won’t keep you comfortable if your nose is constantly running and eyes are watering from allergies. Located just southwest of Dallas, Burleson, Texas, has a number of common indoor air quality concerns because of its climate and proximity to a major city.

High Humidity

The average outdoor humidity in the summer reaches the high 60s, which starts to feel a bit muggy. If you recently installed a new high efficiency HVAC system, you might have noticed that your home’s relative humidity actually increased. Consider running your AC longer to combat high humidity or install a dehumidifier.

Trapped Pollutants

Making your home airtight is becoming a catch-22 in the world of indoor air quality. On one hand, airtight homes use significantly less energy than leaky ones. But on the other hand, your home won’t exhaust stale air or bring fresh air in.

To combat this problem, remember to change your HVAC system’s air filter at least every 90 days. Consider also investing in a whole-home air purifier.

Dirty Ducts

Your HVAC system’s filter prevents the air handler from getting clogged. Unfortunately, it won’t eliminate all of the dust and other particulates that exist in your home’s air. You can help solve the vast majority of dust-related problems by dusting, vacuuming and mopping at least once a month.

Indoor air quality is a balancing act between investing in specialized equipment and practicing healthy habits. With a little bit of effort, you can breathe fresher air in your home in no time. To learn more about how you can improve your home’s indoor air quality and lead a healthier lifestyle, contact Airmasters AC, Heat, Plumbing & Electrical today. We look forward to improving your quality of life.

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